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Raffaele Battiloro

Year of birth: 1999
Place of birth: Torre del Greco
Educated in: Napoli
Place of residence: Potenza
(Plays in Milan)

Finalist of the 65th Ferruccio Busoni
International Piano Competition

November 2024 Preselections

Watch Raffaele Battiloro performance.


F. Chopin - Berceuse F. Chopin - Étude op. 25, no. 12 M. Ravel - "Scarbo" from Gaspard de la nuit S. Rachmaninov - Études-Tableaux op. 39, no. 9  


Raffaele Battiloro, born in Torre del Greco, began studying piano at the age of 4. In 2017, he graduated with the highest grades, praise and honourable mention from the Gesualdo da Venosa Conservatory in Potenza, under the guidance of Michele D'Ambrosio. Winner of several international competitions, including the Premio Alkan for virtuosity, he performs in Italy and abroad as a soloist, in chamber ensembles and with orchestras. In 2021, he was selected among the 32 finalists of the Busoni Piano Competition in Bolzano. He has recorded 37 Sonatas by Domenico Scarlatti for the OnClassical label. He has studied with Riccardo Risaliti, Dominique Merlet and William Grant Naborè, and since 2021 he has been studying with Alessandro Deljavan.


Due to health reasons the candidates Shotaro Nishimura and Zixi Chen could not participate in the GPP 2022. They received the possibility to participate in this edition.


Candidates who withdrew from the competition:

Bily Robert
Deng Yubo
Durliat Gabriel
Guo Yungyung
Han Wenfang
Lee Shinyoung
Martinelli Riccardo
Park Chaeyoung
Thomazinho Lucas
Wang Jiapeng