Year of birth: 1995
Place of birth: Zhuhai
Educated in: Munich
Place of residence: Beijing
(Plays in Shanghai)

November 2024 Preselections

Watch Longxuan Wu performance.


C. Debussy - Images, Livre 2 F. Chopin - Étude op. 25, No. 6 S. Prokof'ev - Étude op. 2, No. 1  


Longxuan Wu began learning piano when he was 4 years old and was learning with Prof. Tiandong Huang, a professor at the Xinghai Conservatory of Music in Guangzhou, China. He was admitted to the music school of Xinghai Conservatory of Music in 2007 and continued his piano lessons with Prof. Huang. In 2013, he was admitted to the Central Conservatory of Music and studied with Prof. Yuan Sheng. In 2017, he studied at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater München and learning with Prof. Adrian Oetiker. In 2019, he continued to study for the highest German performer diploma (Zertifikatsstudium Meisterklasse) at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater München.


Due to health reasons the candidates Shotaro Nishimura and Zixi Chen could not participate in the GPP 2022. They received the possibility to participate in this edition.


Candidates who withdrew from the competition:

Bily Robert
Deng Yubo
Durliat Gabriel
Guo Yungyung
Han Wenfang
Lee Shinyoung
Martinelli Riccardo
Park Chaeyoung
Thomazinho Lucas
Wang Jiapeng