Year of birth: 2002
Place of birth: Gulangyu
Educated in: Oberlin
Place of residence: Boston
(Plays in New York)
Watch Hongyi Aaron Zheng performance.
R. Schumann - Novelletten op. 21, no. 8 A. Skrjabin - Étude op. 8, No. 10 F. Chopin - Étude op. 25, no. 11
Hongyi Zheng began his tutelage of piano at the age of 5. Despite the absence of familial connection to the field of music, as a native of Kulangsu, China, the fervent musical atmosphere of Kulangsu, particularly church music, instilled within this native a profound passion for the music. At the age of 10, Hongyi made his debut in Amoy. Over the course of his twenty years, Hongyi has traversed the continents of Asia, Europe, and America, leaving an imprint of his enthusiasm through his recitals and musical performances, which have been held in countries including China, Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain and the United States. Hongyi has won the first prize of the Fifth KAWAI Asia Piano Competition in 2019 and the second prize of Naftzger Young Artist Music Awards in 2024.
Due to health reasons the candidates Shotaro Nishimura and Zixi Chen could not participate in the GPP 2022. They received the possibility to participate in this edition.
Candidates who withdrew from the competition:
Bily Robert
Deng Yubo
Durliat Gabriel
Guo Yungyung
Han Wenfang
Lee Shinyoung
Martinelli Riccardo
Park Chaeyoung
Thomazinho Lucas
Wang Jiapeng