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Leonardo Merlini

Year of birth: 2003
Place of birth: Piombino
Educated in: Lugano
Place of residence: Lugano
(Plays in Milan)

November 2024 Preselections

Watch Leonardo Merlini performance.


F. Chopin - Étude op. 10, no. 4 G. Ligeti . Études pour piano: 5. Arc-en-ciel  


Leonardo Merlini began studying piano at the age of five. He currently studies with Anna Kravtchenko at the Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano. Despite his young age, he has had success in numerous piano competitions, including the 3rd prize at the VI International Istanbul Piano Competition 2024, performing in the final with the Sion Orchestra in the Cemal Reşit Rey Hall, the 1st prize at the "Andrea Baldi" Competition Bologna 2023, the 1st prize at the "Città di Minerbio" International Piano Competition 2021, the 1st prize at the "Sergio Cafaro" International Competition Rome 2020. He has given recitals in Italy and Switzerland in prestigious venues, including the Cappella Paolina at the Quirinale and the Teatro Ristori in Verona.


Due to health reasons the candidates Shotaro Nishimura and Zixi Chen could not participate in the GPP 2022. They received the possibility to participate in this edition.


Candidates who withdrew from the competition:

Bily Robert
Deng Yubo
Durliat Gabriel
Guo Yungyung
Han Wenfang
Lee Shinyoung
Martinelli Riccardo
Park Chaeyoung
Thomazinho Lucas
Wang Jiapeng