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Matteo Bortolazzi

Year of birth: 2006
Place of birth: Padova
Educated in: Catania
Place of residence: Padova
(Plays in Milan)

November 2024 Preselections

Watch Matteo Bortolazzi performance.


F. Chopin - Étude op. 10, no. 5 S. Prokofiev - Étude op. 2, no. 1 A. Skrjabin - Étude op. 8, no. 4 F. Chopin - From Préludes, op. 28: no. 3, no. 7, no. 16 C. Debussy - From Préludes, livre II: Feux d'artifice M. Ravel - From Miroirs: Alborada del gracioso  


Matteo Bortolazzi is a student of Epifanio Comis. At the age of twelve, he performed the Concerto in A major, K414 by W.A. Mozart, earning him enrolment in the Roll of Honour of the Conservatory. Winner of numerous national and international competitions, including the First Prize at the XXIV "Giulio Rospigliosi" Piano Competition in Lamporecchio; the XXXIII National J.S. Bach Piano Competition in Sestri Levante; the VI International Piano Competition "City of San Donà di Piave"; the 2021 Merci Maestro International Piano Competition in Brussels. In September 2022, he won the First Prize at the XVI "National Prize of the Arts" in the under 16 category. He has performed in various musical events. In 2021, he performed for the Frédéric Chopin Association at the Salle Molière in Lyon.


Due to health reasons the candidates Shotaro Nishimura and Zixi Chen could not participate in the GPP 2022. They received the possibility to participate in this edition.


Candidates who withdrew from the competition:

Bily Robert
Deng Yubo
Durliat Gabriel
Guo Yungyung
Han Wenfang
Lee Shinyoung
Martinelli Riccardo
Park Chaeyoung
Thomazinho Lucas
Wang Jiapeng